Game Index
Type Server Map Time Winner
view ☕ Votable [0.8.6] (Moscow) implosion 6 months ago xcc_DyRKa
view Sp4ce Pand4 Private Server 2 implosion 6 months ago ☣ Sp4cePand4 ☣
view DaddyMan9/11's Xonotic Server implosion 6 months ago Spy GuyI
view Rat 😄's Xonotic Server implosion 6 months ago woolknot☣☠
view [力] TheRegulars ☠ Instagib Server [git] implosion 6 months ago Anonymous Player
view kitrinol kişisinin Xonotic sunucusu implosion 6 months ago Anonymous Player
view Сервер Xonotic от Renesco implosion 6 months ago [BOT]Airhead
view a second rate duelist with a third rate deck's Xonotic Server implosion 6 months ago club Mensa
view Сервер Xonotic от Renesco implosion 6 months ago Renesco
view or4n Xonotic-palvelin implosion 6 months ago OutRaider
view a second rate duelist with a third rate deck's Xonotic Server implosion 6 months ago You activated my Step-Card
view HalviXS implosion 6 months ago Anonymous Player
view Hightime Deathmatch [Everyone Welcome] implosion 6 months ago N2O
view Сервер Xonotic от Warred implosion 6 months ago Kir
view Сервер Xonotic от Warred implosion 6 months ago Warred
view ☕ Votable [0.8.6] (Frankfurt) implosion 6 months ago Anonymous Player
view Lagrange Point Xonotic server implosion 6 months ago Gotenks
view implosion 6 months ago Anonymous Player
view [力] TheRegulars ☠ Instagib Server [git] implosion 6 months ago EAC · Kult 1984 (no screen)
view dave's Xonotic Server implosion 6 months ago Anonymous Player